Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seoul Day 2

Today started out earlier that I would have liked at 5:30am Seoul time. I think I am still adjusting to the time difference here.
I stayed in until about 7 when I headed to the gym. I was really happy that I figured out how to use the TV on the treadmill! We spent most of the day going to the immigration office, but while there we had some very interesting food items and some pretty normal ones.

Gym: 35 minutes on treadmill, 2 arms machines 3 reps of 12, about 30 crunches

Breakfast: Salad, Apples, Kiwi, Toast with Butter and Jelly

Snack: Subway Waffles--SUPER YUMMY!
Lunch: Veggie Sandwich on very good bread-sold to me by an American in Korea :)

Dinner: BiBimBop

Dessert: Almond Bon Bon

Unique and Strange Food Sights: These items are taking food on a stick to a whole new level.


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